Thursday, February 14, 2008


In Malena, Monica Bellucci makes a very convincing case against the hardships of being a goddess. I personally can identify with the stress she surely feels as she walks precariously on heels down sandy, Sicilian streets in a tight skirt while the male population pays microscopic attention. The good lord Himself knows how much concentration it takes to a) not fall on your collarbone b) tighten your cheeks so as to discourage your ass from wiggling independently from the rest of your body and/or c) pretend not to care that you may or may not have forgotten to wear low-cut panties with your low-cut pants. And never has a prostitute looked so looked sexy after being dragged out of her incorrigible Brothel of Dirty Goings On onto the street to be savagely beat down by frumpy Sicilian housewives who all shop at the same dress store. Cheers to you Ms. Bellucci for tittering the twinkling of lesbianality within me!

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