Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2 Days in Paris

It was easy to watch. Julie Delpy played the role well which I have a feeling is because it's based on several personal experiences and she was really just playing herself. It's interesting to watch her on screen. Although she was voted one of the world's most beautiful people back in the 90s sometime, I find her to be more "jolie laide", the French term for an ugly beauty. I think it's the rosacea. On the other hand, Adam Goldberg is just unpleasant to look at from the neck up but the scenes wherein he wore short-sleeved shirts and/or no shirt at all were not entirely without value. Typical to Delpy's films, it's packed with lots to say. She reminds me of Woody Allen in that they both vomit out all their philosophies in a playable format on screen but would probably just give me a headache and make me want to walk away from them in person. The views of Paris up the visual enjoyment but there are a few scenes that might be hard for animal lovers to watch - most notably when the father is cooking a skinned rabbit and, later on, thinks it's hilarious to watch a dead pig get sliced down the middle. Ha ha ha!! Oh you French...you're f'ing out of your minds.

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