Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Golden Compass

Bears wearing armor, talking cats, tawny weapon-wielding witches...this movie is DELICIOUS. If I was a child, my pretend name would be Lyra and I would ask for a compass for Christmas which, upon receiving, would accompany me wherever I went and be referred to at key moments such as when informing my parents that the truth of the situation is that my room is not meant to be clean and, also, it is my destiny to have a pet cougar stat because that is my daemon and I feel like I'm living without my SOUL until I get him. (Forget childhood, I'm starting a new service reading truth-telling compasses right now. Please send $20 via Paypal to receive your truth as determined by Sara's Serendipitous Compass. As a free preview: "Avoid yeast infections" and "Your drinking water is not yet pure enough." Go ahead and TRY to prove these truths don't apply to you! Act now and get a 2nd truth reading for 1/2 price.)

I just wish Nicole Kidman would kindly stop showing up in movies where the only word to describe her hairstyle is "coiffed."